LovelyWe Community Blog Repost: Meditation, Where Have You Been?

Sometimes it feels like time flies at warp speed and life can seem so overwhelming that we forget to take a moment to just sit. And be. And breathe. Thank you for this reminder and these lovely recommendations – I am very much looking forward to taking more time to build upon my meditation practice.

LovelyWe Community Blog Repost: Count Your Blessings

So very true!

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Just A Small Town Girl...

Why are we always complaining? Why do we constantly stress ourselves out? Every time I get together with my friends these days that’s all we ever seem to do: it’s like we get a kick out of comparing notes on how miserable we are! Moaning that we’re fed up with life, we need a twelve month holiday, we want to retire already! It’s so depressing, not to mention exhausting to talk about time after time, after time… :/

We’re just always putting unnecessary weight on our shoulders. Comparing our lives to that of EVERYBODY around us: keeping up with the Joneses. Convincing ourselves that we should be a lot more accomplished than we feel we are. So-and-so’s backpacking around Asia for two years, what’s-her-face just got engaged, what’s-his-name just got promoted to head of his company! We tell ourselves that we’re failures in comparison, that we could do so much better…

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